It has been a while since our last update, but we have got something exciting to introduce to Legacy. As the title suggests, we are bringing in Limited Editions! We believe this is a perfect addition to the daily rares we already offer, as it opens up new possibilities for introducing new furni into Legacy, player interaction and opportunities for the economy such as trading.
Limited Editions will only be in the catalog for a specific timeframe, which means that once the furni is removed from sale, it won't ever be available again! After sale, these Limited Editions will be moved to the Sold Out subcategory, where players can check out and remember the initial prices of the LTDs that were on sale.
There is no limit on the actual amount of LTDs that can be bought!
We have chosen the Cherry Tree as Legacy's first LTD, mainly because it was a popular request on our Discord and received a lot of votes. Not only will you receive an LTD upon purchasing it, you will also receive a badge which signifies the ownership of your LTD.
As for LTDs, we would like the community to be more involved regarding the LTDs that will be sold.
Don't be late xx
Furniture News
Technical Updates
Limited Editions!
Introducing Limited Edition Rares to Habbo Legacy!