Do not chase the dragon. Feel the dragon and move on with your life. Maybe the dragons will show up again.

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Ying and Yang

Group created: Apr 23, 2021

2 members

Mechanics of Light and Shadow.
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Remember to eat
Remember to drink water
Make sure to move. A simple walk will do wonders.
Make sure to socialize
Do good things for others and recieve good deeds.
Find hobbies that interest you.
Try not to get involved in superficial news.

Ying and Yang doens't have to be about being a monk in a temple. It's about you.
In Light. In Shadow.

You are in a crashing plane that is losing oxygen.

You are instructed to put own your own oxygen mask before attempting to put on your childrens mask.


Because you have to take care of yourself first before you can help other people. So put on your mask before attempting to help others.

Have you ever felt these moments where you look back in time to that specific year or period of your life? The feeling that makes you keep long for it?

It doesn't have to be that way. Once you slowly discover how your own mechanics of light and shadow works, you WILL regain these feelings and create even better memories and experiences with the people around you.

It's about the small steps you take. It doesn't have to be big. We have rest of our lives to improve, so take it slow.

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