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     My Guestbook(4) myhabbo.guestbook.unknown.private 

    • Alex


    • Alex


    • Alex

      I like how creative this is

    • Alex

      I hope Mr Bunntie finds happiness

      (maybe the durian is why everyone stays away..)


    Mr. Bunntie was a white fluffy bunny with a blue ribbon around his neck. He lived in a forest outside a big orange hotel, in a small little bunny house. His house was made out of flowers and branches and there he lived all by himself. Some days Mr. Bunntie felt really lonely. He tried making new friends out of little rocks that he painted faces on, but the rocks wouldn’t answer him when he tried to speak to them. He felt so lonely and sad.

    One day Mr. Bunntie heard some of the hotel guests talk about easter. “What is easter?”, he said to himself. “I need to find out more about easter”. So Mr. Bunntie went to the little Bunny library and got all the books he could find about easter. “Ahaa! Easter is a celebration that makes people happy!”, he said out loud.

    The following day, Mr. Bunntie went to look for some easter items. He looked all around his little garden, but couldn’t find any. Then he remembered: “Ahaa! The humans must have some!”, and went into the big orange hotel. There he struck gold. He found a room full of easter eggs and easter candy, decorated with beautiful flowers and colourful painted eggs. He hesitated for a second, but then he started stealing all the easter items one by one back to his little bunny house.

    By the time he was finished the sun had already set and it was dark outside. Mr. Bunntie’s little bunny house was now beautifully decorated with so many easter items that they couldn’t even fit inside and he even had to place some of them on the outside of his little house. “Will this make me happy?”, Mr. Bunntie wondered. “I sure hope so”. He went to his bed and tucked himself in under his blanket. He glanced at all the decorations. “Tomorrow I will be happy”.
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